Saturday, January 19, 2013

Transformation - If They're Not Laughing At Your Dreams, They're Not Big Enough

The last three years of my life as a  network marketer has changed me.   I have stepped out of my comfort zone and just found out that by being my authentic self I was totally okay.  I had so many issues before Isagenix - feeling sorry for myself, not being whom I was because I didn't want to hurt other people's feelings.  I was unbalanced and took everything personally.  I was angry at the world and feeling I was a victim.  I actually forgot that I had a part in all of it.  I had a list of problems twenty pages long and by the time I analyzed them all I forgot how to have joy.  I felt that I had a right to my silent rage - after all why did my husband have to be killed.  Why was my daughter now fatherless.

Strange how becoming a network marketer has changed me.  In the course of three years I have met the most magnificent, outrageous, incredible human beings on the planet.  Because Isagenix is a super food that impacts people's bodies - and I follow people's journeys - I have watched the most amazing transformations take place on the planet.  So yes - I transformed - I joined a brotherhood and sisterhood of people who participate, who do something about sharing change, who say what they think and feel and not what they are told to believe.  People who believe that proper nutrition is what has saved them, made them whole again, transformed them financially.  They are not afraid to shout out about GMO's or talk about their political beliefs.  They are just whom they are.

So yes - network marketing has changed me.  I have spent a life of service and being grateful but I truly did not even know what those words meant until Isagenix found me.

So to all those network marketers out there - I applaud you.   I read your posts, your blogs, your business page entries.   I laugh, I cry, I get happy, I get upset, I get excited.   But the big get is that I love you all exactly the way you are.  Before stepping out of my comfort zone I always conformed, my daughter calls it something else - more of being a butt kisser.  But once I stepped out of it I found the ability to just be myself.

Please join me on the journey.  Please visit my Isagenix page and travel the path with me.  Step out of your comfort zone.

If you just want to try a free shake sample that would be great.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could g +1 me.  Fifth box over from the left.

In deep gratitude.  Andrea

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Why Women Make the Best Network Marketers

About 80% of network marketers are women.  Having more control of time and flexibility in our schedules is what is key to us.  A lot of our drive and goal comes from wanting to be financially independent while we raise a family. We are able to create a sisterhood of like minded women who have the same goals, the same drive, the same spirit.  We become part of women's group on social media sites and we share our hobby's, our recipes, our joy and our sorrow while we join together in building a business.

We are so familiar with home parties, having grown up in the Tupperware, Avon and Pampered Chef party generation that we know how to go out and support other women who are looking to grow a business to help keep us financially free.   We as women do what we are best at - we know how to have a party and we know how to socialize.  We are motivated by the word "discount", "sale", "wholesale" and this is one of the key foundations to the MLM advantage.   Women love to buy - plain and simple.  Getting it cheaper is a great plus.

We have to work the business to be successful, as in all other businesses but, we go about it differently than men.  We don't think about this business as a sales business but instead use terms like getting referrals versus getting leads.  Sharing the product versus selling a product.  If you have a spouse that is supportive of you in your endeavor you are even more fortunate as you have time to go to more seminars, go to trainings and network yourself all over.  If you are in it solo you build the sisterhood to support you to build.

 Besides the wonderful products of Isagenix and for me it was either chocolate or vanilla, Isagenix gave me a vehicle that I could steer while I did my other jobs.   For me it is freedom to be who I am and not compromise any other part of my life.   I have not only built a business, I have built a network of friends and acquaintances from all over the world.   People that I probably would never have met.

I love what I do and would love other women to become part of my team.

Please try this free shake sample and let me know what you think.  I would like to have you join me in this venture.

In deep gratitude.  Andrea

If you have a moment - can you g+1 me.  Fifth button from the left

Saturday, January 12, 2013

My 10th Big Fat Reason for Isagenix - FEELING SORRY FOR MYSELF

When I saw this come up yesterday,  from a page that I like - called the Optimism Revolution, I felt an immediate tingle, an immediate a-ha moment.  I needed this yesterday.  Needed it so badly.  I have been in a funk for the last month - falling down a hole that just kept getting bigger and bigger.  No matter how I reached out for help, I obviously wasn't saying the right words because no one threw me a life line.  It started with some tests that I had to take because I wasn't feeling well.  And it escalated to despair.  So what appears in my timeline but this.  I was waiting for someone to tell me I was okay exactly the way I was and then when I saw this I knew that it was all okay.
I know myself really well.   Have trouble asking for help when I need it.  So it's easy to fall through the cracks.  So when I saw this I made a decision to make sure that someone heard me.  Of all people the person who threw me the lifeline was someone I didn't know really cared.  But they had been watching me from a far for a long time and rode in like a Knight in Shining Armor to save me.  Not that anyone can save anyone.  But they opened the space for me to spit it all out.  When the conversation came to an end they were able to tell me that my journey with Isagenix had truly changed me.  I love it, when everything that happens in my life goes back to the passion and love affair that I have with Isagenix.  I say it over and over again - that without Isagenix and then Jim Rhoades and a whole host of unspoken heroes that I would not be here today, that I would not become the woman I have become.   So once again I get to say - I love you Isagenix, I am so happy that you found me, I am so inspired by all the new and wonderful changes that are always going on with the company. 

So this is dedicated to myself.  No matter what happens I stay on the journey.  Life always offers me another chance and that is called Today.

With gratitude for all who read my blogs.

Still having problems with the set-up but at least the photo is clear today.   Need another lesson.
I would appreciate if you could g+1 this blog - fifth box in from the left.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My 9th Big Fat Reason for Isagenix - Adaptogens

In December of 1991, as the world watched in amazement, the Soviet Union disintegrated into fifteen separate countries. Its collapse was hailed by the west as a victory for freedom, a triumph of democracy over totalitarianism, and evidence of the superiority of capitalism over socialism. The United States rejoiced as its formidable enemy was brought to its knees, thereby ending the Cold War which had hovered over these two superpowers since the end of World War II. Indeed, the breakup of the Soviet Union transformed the entire world political situation, leading to a complete reformulation of political, economic and military alliances all over the globe.

At the precise moment of it's fall, in the home of Jim and Kathy Coover - sat a man that they were trying to enlist in sharing his many scientific secrets.  It could not be done if the Soviet Union remained in tact - but this was a major turning point in the lives of many.  Jim flew back to Russia with Dr. Israel I. Brekhman and was photographed in his space center where he had worked for years on developing adaptogens for the astronauts that went into outer space and came back with adrenal fatigue.

The father of adaptogens, Dr. Israel I. Brekhman worked in the Far East Science Center
 of the USSR in Vladivostock as Head of its Department of Physiology and Pharmacology of Adaptation. There beginning in 1956, he and his associates studied he effectiveness of Siberian, Chinese and other Far East medicinal plants on the basis of daily and seasonal changes in individuals as well as under differing environmental circumstances. 

He originated the new science of ecological pharmacology when he investigated the complex formulas found in the ancient Chinese pharmacopoeia. In order to sort out all of the 233 plants, their admixture and reputed effects that he was investigating, Dr. Brekhman devised four elaborate computer programs. The actions he thought to classify were: tonic, diuretic, synthetic, anti toxic and so forth. The reason for such programs was to reinvestigate
obvious beneficial effects being achieved by Oriental practitioners of herbal medicine. The computer identified a nucleus of ten groups of recipes that were particularly therapeutic.
Adaptogens have always been a major part of the Ionix Supreme, but with the patents that Jim was able to obtain in December of 1991 a new product has been launched.   E+ Energy Shot.

A product that reduces the effect of fatigue with natural caffeine derived from green tea and yerba mate along with a proprietary adaptogenic botanical blend that increases energy, stamina and mental alertness.  A product that contains no added sugars, artificial colors, sweetener or flavoring.   A product that uses as its' base the combination of the science of the Sputnik and Olympian Athlete King, Dr. Israel Brekham, and the team of wonderful scientists at Isagenix starting with John Anderson himself and developed with Suk Cho, Chief Science Officer.

This product will change the lives of many including myself.   So proud to be part of a company that is always thinking of what the next best product will be to impact so many lives.

It all starts with a shake and goes from there.  Please sign up for a free shake sample today.

My computer was having a nervous break-down while I was writing this blog.   So the alignment, photos - some of which I have taken down all came in wrong.   I had brought different pieces of info over to analyze so that I could write an intelligent article but based on not being able to get the computer to work properly I left them as I brought them over.  So I credit everyone whose info I left historically just as you see it. 

While you are visiting if you can g + 1 me I would be grateful.   Fifth button from the left.