Sunday, December 30, 2012

My 8th Big Fat Reason for Isagenix - THWARTED EXPECTATIONS

The holidays have been a very hard time of the year for me for the last six years.  The main joy is having my daughter home and watching her excitment on Christmas morning.   For the last six years I didn't want to put up a real tree - but this year when Aysha called me and asked me if she could bring home a small one I excitedly said yes.  And she cut it down herself - what excitement , and she made her own gorgeous wreath - another excitment.  And we decorated together.  The living room looks magnificent and my beautiful daughter brought back the fun and joy of celebration. 

I had a different kind of week planned than the one I got but I guess that's how my life goes.   First the black-out.   Now who has a black-out during Christmas week?  And then I got sick - still waiting for the test results.  And I had a whole lot of expectations that weren't met.  So I did what I always do - got in bed and didn't get out. 

But yesterday I got to thinking that I did get everything I was supposed to get for the holidays.  I never once thought of going off program.  I never once thought of eating like crazy and stuffing my face - which is what my normal reaction would be.  I never once thought that I won't make it through this.

Incredible that Isagenix has such a hold on me - or should I say I have such a hold over Isagenix.  Looking forward to the New Year.   This is the year for me to take the horse by the reins and ride it to that place in the meadow where there is joy, freedom from fear, financial freedom, the best health I can attain and to align myself with people who have the same goals that I have. 

I don't need any enemies in my life - I am my worst critic - but what I do need in my life is a team of supportive, ethical, go-getters who want to align with me to make Isagenix a life style, want to become the best they can be and want to give themselves financial freedom.

Please click on this link to get your free sample.

Can you G + 1 me - fifth square button from the left.

In deep gratitude

Saturday, December 22, 2012

My 7th Big Fat Reason for Isagenix - HAPPY HOLIDAYS

As the holiday season is upon us a whole lot of different emotions surface.  Most of us are busy running around trying to get the house ready for our guests, or getting ready to leave our homes to be someone else's guest.  Going to be with family - some of them whom we are really excited to see or some of them whom we have had issues with during the year and really don't want to see.  Some of us are going to our own family and some to our significant other's family.  We have been shopping to get the right gift and or stressed that we got the wrong gift.   Or some of us are alone because our significant other's have passed away and feeling sad that they are not with us.

I am one of those that stay home with my wonderful daughter as I am one of those left behind.
So this is either the season to be stressed as it was my husband's favorite holiday or I can rejoice
in the wonderful friendships that I have made through the vehicle called Isagenix.

I am crazy about all of you and so blessed to have you in my life.  Whether you know it or not you have all made a difference in my life.  So my 7th Big Fat Reason for Isagenix is all of you.


If you have a moment can you g + 1 me.  The fifth square red button in from the left.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

How to Lose 100 Lbs- My 6th Big Fat Why for Isagenix

Wow.  I read this today and it was just exactly what I needed to see.
While I was wondering how I was going to shed the 150 lbs that I had gained after my husband died - the exact phrase - it May Not Be Pretty or May not Come Easy was my re-occurring thought.   Wow - I was stuck in that belief system.  So stuck that I would look in the mirror and say this can't be done.  This can't be undone.  This can't be achieved.  But you know what - I was stuck in my old belief system about myself.  A belief system that it was better to hide behind closed doors than to have to deal with it.  So I became a recluse and hid from the world.

And then one day through the help of Jim Rhoades I was able to look at myself in the mirror, know that I was not the failure that I perceived myself to me and do what I knew would help to make me a whole healthy person and that was Isagenix.

Please take advantage of the free shake sample.   I am here to coach you, guide you, assist you - in changing your belief system about yourself.

With gratitude and blessings.  Andrea

If you have a moment can you please g + 1 me.  Red button below.
Fifth button in - the one next to the facebook share.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Crossroads - My 4th Big Fat Why For Isagenix

Often I find myself looking to the left and then to the right - not sure which direction to go in.  I stand there and analyze it.  If I turn to the left and this does not lead me where I want to wind up, then why did I choose this road.  If I go to the right and then find this road did not lead me where I wanted to end up I feel sad and a sense of despair.  Wish I could say that this only happens occasionally but I find this is just how I do my life which is why I am sure I became a forensic auditor. 

As a forensics person I have to do so much research and then the decision is a no brainer.  So this is how I wound up looking to the left and then looking to the right and knowing that I was standing in the exact spot I was supposed to be when I found Isagenix - or should I say when Isagenix found me.  Isagenix found me two different times but it was the second time that I realized I was home.  I know I say this a lot and it always brings a good chuckle to the person I am telling it to - I researched Isagenix for 300 hours.   Yes - I will say it again 300 hours.   Now who in their right mind would do something like that.  Well as I said it is just how I do my life.  In those three hundred hours - looking to the world like I was having a bi-polar breakdown - I knew I had found what I had been looking for my whole adult life.  A company that resonated with the way I did my life - I found COMMUNITY.  Community in my belief in the company, community in my belief in the leadership of the company, community in both the products and the compensation plan - but most of all community in the people that are part of Isagenix. 

When I talk to people about Isagenix, a lot of them are standing at the same crossroad that I was.  Their concerns are and will always be different then mine but they are still their big concerns.  I hear them, I absorb their concerns, I share with them and then either they become part of the Community that I so lovingly embrace or they take their time to think about it and either come aboard or not.

I wish I could wave a magic wand and just have the two words chocolate or vanilla sum up those three hundred hours worth of research.  So since I can't I have decided to offer people a choice to get a sample packet of the shake for free and after they experience the product they can get a little taste of what has changed my life.  Please come visit me at
which is my new business page for your free sample.

In deep gratitude and appreciation for taking the time to read my blogs.

And I would greatly appreciate if you could take the time to g + 1 it.
Hit the red button - 5th button in - it is next to the facebook button and
shaped like a square.

Thank you again.
