Saturday, December 22, 2012

My 7th Big Fat Reason for Isagenix - HAPPY HOLIDAYS

As the holiday season is upon us a whole lot of different emotions surface.  Most of us are busy running around trying to get the house ready for our guests, or getting ready to leave our homes to be someone else's guest.  Going to be with family - some of them whom we are really excited to see or some of them whom we have had issues with during the year and really don't want to see.  Some of us are going to our own family and some to our significant other's family.  We have been shopping to get the right gift and or stressed that we got the wrong gift.   Or some of us are alone because our significant other's have passed away and feeling sad that they are not with us.

I am one of those that stay home with my wonderful daughter as I am one of those left behind.
So this is either the season to be stressed as it was my husband's favorite holiday or I can rejoice
in the wonderful friendships that I have made through the vehicle called Isagenix.

I am crazy about all of you and so blessed to have you in my life.  Whether you know it or not you have all made a difference in my life.  So my 7th Big Fat Reason for Isagenix is all of you.


If you have a moment can you g + 1 me.  The fifth square red button in from the left.