Sunday, December 30, 2012

My 8th Big Fat Reason for Isagenix - THWARTED EXPECTATIONS

The holidays have been a very hard time of the year for me for the last six years.  The main joy is having my daughter home and watching her excitment on Christmas morning.   For the last six years I didn't want to put up a real tree - but this year when Aysha called me and asked me if she could bring home a small one I excitedly said yes.  And she cut it down herself - what excitement , and she made her own gorgeous wreath - another excitment.  And we decorated together.  The living room looks magnificent and my beautiful daughter brought back the fun and joy of celebration. 

I had a different kind of week planned than the one I got but I guess that's how my life goes.   First the black-out.   Now who has a black-out during Christmas week?  And then I got sick - still waiting for the test results.  And I had a whole lot of expectations that weren't met.  So I did what I always do - got in bed and didn't get out. 

But yesterday I got to thinking that I did get everything I was supposed to get for the holidays.  I never once thought of going off program.  I never once thought of eating like crazy and stuffing my face - which is what my normal reaction would be.  I never once thought that I won't make it through this.

Incredible that Isagenix has such a hold on me - or should I say I have such a hold over Isagenix.  Looking forward to the New Year.   This is the year for me to take the horse by the reins and ride it to that place in the meadow where there is joy, freedom from fear, financial freedom, the best health I can attain and to align myself with people who have the same goals that I have. 

I don't need any enemies in my life - I am my worst critic - but what I do need in my life is a team of supportive, ethical, go-getters who want to align with me to make Isagenix a life style, want to become the best they can be and want to give themselves financial freedom.

Please click on this link to get your free sample.

Can you G + 1 me - fifth square button from the left.

In deep gratitude

Saturday, December 22, 2012

My 7th Big Fat Reason for Isagenix - HAPPY HOLIDAYS

As the holiday season is upon us a whole lot of different emotions surface.  Most of us are busy running around trying to get the house ready for our guests, or getting ready to leave our homes to be someone else's guest.  Going to be with family - some of them whom we are really excited to see or some of them whom we have had issues with during the year and really don't want to see.  Some of us are going to our own family and some to our significant other's family.  We have been shopping to get the right gift and or stressed that we got the wrong gift.   Or some of us are alone because our significant other's have passed away and feeling sad that they are not with us.

I am one of those that stay home with my wonderful daughter as I am one of those left behind.
So this is either the season to be stressed as it was my husband's favorite holiday or I can rejoice
in the wonderful friendships that I have made through the vehicle called Isagenix.

I am crazy about all of you and so blessed to have you in my life.  Whether you know it or not you have all made a difference in my life.  So my 7th Big Fat Reason for Isagenix is all of you.


If you have a moment can you g + 1 me.  The fifth square red button in from the left.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

How to Lose 100 Lbs- My 6th Big Fat Why for Isagenix

Wow.  I read this today and it was just exactly what I needed to see.
While I was wondering how I was going to shed the 150 lbs that I had gained after my husband died - the exact phrase - it May Not Be Pretty or May not Come Easy was my re-occurring thought.   Wow - I was stuck in that belief system.  So stuck that I would look in the mirror and say this can't be done.  This can't be undone.  This can't be achieved.  But you know what - I was stuck in my old belief system about myself.  A belief system that it was better to hide behind closed doors than to have to deal with it.  So I became a recluse and hid from the world.

And then one day through the help of Jim Rhoades I was able to look at myself in the mirror, know that I was not the failure that I perceived myself to me and do what I knew would help to make me a whole healthy person and that was Isagenix.

Please take advantage of the free shake sample.   I am here to coach you, guide you, assist you - in changing your belief system about yourself.

With gratitude and blessings.  Andrea

If you have a moment can you please g + 1 me.  Red button below.
Fifth button in - the one next to the facebook share.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Crossroads - My 4th Big Fat Why For Isagenix

Often I find myself looking to the left and then to the right - not sure which direction to go in.  I stand there and analyze it.  If I turn to the left and this does not lead me where I want to wind up, then why did I choose this road.  If I go to the right and then find this road did not lead me where I wanted to end up I feel sad and a sense of despair.  Wish I could say that this only happens occasionally but I find this is just how I do my life which is why I am sure I became a forensic auditor. 

As a forensics person I have to do so much research and then the decision is a no brainer.  So this is how I wound up looking to the left and then looking to the right and knowing that I was standing in the exact spot I was supposed to be when I found Isagenix - or should I say when Isagenix found me.  Isagenix found me two different times but it was the second time that I realized I was home.  I know I say this a lot and it always brings a good chuckle to the person I am telling it to - I researched Isagenix for 300 hours.   Yes - I will say it again 300 hours.   Now who in their right mind would do something like that.  Well as I said it is just how I do my life.  In those three hundred hours - looking to the world like I was having a bi-polar breakdown - I knew I had found what I had been looking for my whole adult life.  A company that resonated with the way I did my life - I found COMMUNITY.  Community in my belief in the company, community in my belief in the leadership of the company, community in both the products and the compensation plan - but most of all community in the people that are part of Isagenix. 

When I talk to people about Isagenix, a lot of them are standing at the same crossroad that I was.  Their concerns are and will always be different then mine but they are still their big concerns.  I hear them, I absorb their concerns, I share with them and then either they become part of the Community that I so lovingly embrace or they take their time to think about it and either come aboard or not.

I wish I could wave a magic wand and just have the two words chocolate or vanilla sum up those three hundred hours worth of research.  So since I can't I have decided to offer people a choice to get a sample packet of the shake for free and after they experience the product they can get a little taste of what has changed my life.  Please come visit me at
which is my new business page for your free sample.

In deep gratitude and appreciation for taking the time to read my blogs.

And I would greatly appreciate if you could take the time to g + 1 it.
Hit the red button - 5th button in - it is next to the facebook button and
shaped like a square.

Thank you again.


Sunday, November 25, 2012

My 3rd Big Fat Why for Isagenix - raising healthy children and stop worrying what you did wrong

We are born, we grow up, we become the people that we are destined to be and then some of us choose marriage.  That was a choice I made.  I chose to marry the man of my dreams and with that choice was the desire to have a house full of children.  That didn't happen to me but I certainly lucked out with the one that's in the belly in this photo.  My incredible daughter Aysha.

I've often thought that when I miscarried and then was never able to get pregnant again "what did I do wrong."  Always blamed myself.  Carried around that huge burden.  My husband was happy with what he got but my father-in-law wanted to watch all his yougins running around the lawn and I always felt like I had disappointed him - even though in reality I always knew he was also happy with what he got.

When I went to the first IsagniexSuper Saturday with Jim Rhoades and Elisabeth and Darian Andersen there was a man who got up to speak and it was through him that I truly got to understand the power of the Super Food Isagenix.   His story was different than mine - his son was born with a genetic birth diffect - but he kept on saying over and over again "what did I do wrong."  After talking with him, he had me watch a video called Ten Americans.  It's a three part you tube series but you only really have to watch the first part which is about 8 minutes long.  If you have never seen it, it is a must.  While watching that you tube video I knew what I had done wrong - I had conceived while my body was in a toxic environment.  Didn't have proper nutrition to sustain another life.  Didn't know then anything about toxicity but certainly do now.

What we did wrong was that we were never educated in "nutrition".   No matter how many times my mother took me to the doctor and no matter how many times I took my daughter to the doctor - never once was that a word I heard mentioned.   I heard a lot about prescription drugs, a lot about vaccinations but never a word about nutrition.   It was after I heard Dave speak that I knew what I could have done wrong and that was I did not know how to feed  my body the healthiest food on the planet while I was preparing to get pregnant, while I was pregnant.   And therefore I also got what I got.

A lot of times I read posts - will Isagenix cure this, will Isagenix cure that and it is when I hear these questions that I totally get that by feeding oneself or our children the healthiest food on the planet,
and keeping the body in an alkaline state that there would be not be as many - "what did I do wrongs. " It is my belief system that we give ourselves, our families, our children a running jump start with Isagenix.  

A lot of times though I hear people say "wow" that is certainly an expensive super food and I think while they are texting on their $500 cell phones, or using their $800 i pads or dressed with their $200 Uggs on their feet or talking about their $300 purse - "what planet do these people live on?"  

What are our priorities in life?   Do we want to be as healthy as we can possibly be or do we want to have perfect nails and pedicures, perfect clothes and constantly update new tech toys.  Suprisingly most people chose the latter.  So this is dedicated to all those people like me who spent half a life wondering WHAT I DID WRONG. 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

My Second Big Fat Why for Isagenix - dedicated to my husband Shahid - may he rest in peace

When I was a little girl, growing up in Brooklyn, New York - there were no computers, no internet, no cell phones - there was just the kids that you played with on the street after you came home from school and you had your after school snack.  What we did is we roller skated, we rode our bikes but the big thing in my neighborhood was punch ball and handball.   Being the competitive type that I am I had to master those two male oriented games.  I had to become the best of everyone in the neighborhood.   That needing to be the best, was the beginning of establishing the skill set for myself on learning how to become "the fixer."  Once I mastered and became the best - better than anyone else at it - I then had to teach everyone else how to do it as well.  That became what I did the best.  I became the person that always was there willing to help the next person become the best at what I knew they already were good at.   That skill set was what brought me skating through life into a very successful career.

When I met my husband I knew I had met my match.  We had two different sets of skills.  He was the risk taker and I was the practical one.  They blended well.  We worked well together.  And I knew he was the right man for me - because when I was a little girl growing up I always asked my mother when will I know I met the right man to marry and she would say "there is a little boy growing up on the other side of the world waiting for you" and he was definitely from the other side of the world.  In that first meeting, he told me, 20 minutes into the conversation, that he was going to marry me.  And I knew that was the truth.  I knew that he was the one.

So it brings me up to today.  He is no longer with me.  I had to take the two different set of skills that we had combined together into a relationship and become both of those people in one.  Thankfully I have an exquisite child who has walked every foot of the path of life with me.  Thankfully I have wonderful friends who are here to pick me up when I fall down. 

What I am most thankful for though is IsagenixIsagenix gives me and everyone around me the ability to use the skill set that I found and developed at such a young age.  Isagenix lets me offer everyone around me the opportunity to experience better health, greater wealth, empowers us as a community.  The community is spectacular.  We all bring our own learned skill sets with us into a community of loving, caring, wonderful people who all have the same desire - to impact everyone around them in their lives.  Isagenix is my skill set.  Isagenix is the fixer.

So it is why I always speak about Isagenix with such passion, such enthusiasm.  It is why I become a pain in the butt to those around me that I care about so much.  It is why it is my Big Fat Why.

So I am asking all of those around me who I care so deeply about - to join me in this life journey.

I want you all to know how fortunate I feel every day of the week when I get on facebook and read all of your wonderful comments about your lives, my life, Isagenix, our children.  We as a community are a SKILL SET on our own.   I am blessed.

So my dear Shahid - rest in peace - you left me in good hands.  I found a community that won't ever let me down.  You would be proud of the woman I have become.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Mama said there'd be days like this..............

You never know when you get up in the morning what the day will bring.  You wake up set to start the new day and then with that day the phone rings or you read an e-mail or you get a text or you go on facebook and the world starts coming in with either joy or sadness, happiness or sorrow.  Never thought when I got up today that I would see the beautiful face of an old friend's daughter holding the hand of her new husband that she married today.  Nor did I think that I would get the e-mail from my brother telling me that my cousin who is very ill lapsed into coma and that he was going to have to go home and tell my mom.  Didn't think that I could feel such great happiness and sadness all within minutes of each other.  The day just goes and with it I notice that I am radically impacted and matured by the world around me.  The morning after Thanksgiving would be the day the phone rang and I would find out that my husband died.    You just never know.

What I do know though is that when I wake up each morning that I have the same constant in my life that makes it all worth getting up and looking forward to.  I know that my Isagenix shake cannister is going to be sitting in the same spot with all the add-ons next to it that I am going to be taking.  That I am going to go and check the computer and look in the IsaMasterMinds and I am going to see spectacular posts from all those in my Isagenix life that share.  That I am going to read, laugh, cry, share with the wonderful people that come along when you become part of the Isagenix culture.   It just isn't the products but a way of life that I have come to rely on as my constant.

Today was a day filled with a lot of sadness but with it always comes the constant friend that I have come to heavily rely on - Isagenix.   Isagenix changed my life in more ways than one.  With it I became friends with so many wonderful people.   With it came laughing yoga.  With it came learning how to blog and tweet.  You just never know once you submerge yourself in the Isagenix culture.  So even though Mama said there'd be days like this........ I think she also knew that I would always find my way.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Dedicated to the Magnificent Jo-Ann DiLorenzo and the spectacular Francisca Ruiz

Sometimes in life you get more than you give and even though I didn't know it that beautiful Sunday afternoon that Jo-Ann and Franny showed up on my back porch that my life was about to change - IT DID.

My friend Laura who had just started the Isagenix products brought these two magnificent women to visit me this particular Sunday afternoon.  Did not know that the two most powerful forces in my whole life had just appeared before me.  But Franny knew it.

Jo was interested in knowing more about the Ionix Supreme but as our conversation went on it was very clear to me that she knew more about organics and health than anyone I had yet to meet.  They both asked me to bring out the whole array of Isagenix products and then proceeded to do the process of kinesiology (also known as muscle testing) - (Based on the concept of internal energy fundamental to traditional Chinese medicine, muscle testing is a noninvasive way of evaluating the body’s imbalances and assessing its needs. It involves testing the body’s responses when applying slight pressure to a large muscle, to provide information on energy blockages, the functioning of the organs, nutritional deficiencies, and food sensitivities, among other things. It can also be used to test the body’s responses to herbs and other remedies.)  

I watched for a few hours as they both muscle tested each item and I became more and more intrigued by these two forces of life.  They walked away with a bottle of Ionix and a canister of IsaCrunch because those were the only two products that worked for both of them.   As time went on - building their bodies with the Ionix they both found out on a future muscle test that all the products worked for them.  I happened to be with them in Franny's house when they discovered this and beside the huge glow on my face - I secretly was saying to myself   ummmmmmmm -  we got it right.   Even though when I do an Isagenix super Saturday I always do a little skit on them they both know that it is because of how much I love them and how much they have added to life.   They brought love in to a space that had so little room for love.

They became my friends,  they became my  mentors, I became their mentor, we blended our families, we started our IsaMasterMinds group together.  But most of all they both gave me a reason for wanting me to become the best I could become.  When Jo calls me and tells me to do something on the spiritual realm I do it without even asking why.  When Franny tells me to do something on any realm I do it because I always know she has my back.  We fell madly in love with each others spirits, minds, ideas, goals.

So that is what Isagenix does - it allows you the space to grow and learn, share and rejoice.   These two IsaSpectacularAngels brought with them Dr. Nidia Carrero, Dr. Carles Vilches, baby Franny Ruiz, Marina Bellow, Lily Ruiz and a whole incredible group of amazing human beings that continue to touch my life.

I can't say anything more about them, then you all already know.  They both are active in being there for everyone in their down-line, up-line, cross-line, any line.  They are women of service.  They are women of peace.   They are women of love.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Dedicated to my wonderful daughter Aysha - could never have done Isagenix without you baby.

Every once in a while I have an a-ha moment and today realized that without the kiddo I never could have been successful with the Isagenix program.   She rooted me on from the sidelines, cheered with each lb. that was shed, watched me go from a couch potato to a living participating human being and most of all she opened all my Isagenix boxes and lovingly put the products on the shelves for me.  She became my reason for wanting to make the change in my life that finally got me back or as close back to the space I was in before our major loss.

So my darling sweet Aysha, just wanted to acknowledge that you are the reason for all the wonderful changes that have happened to me in the last three years.  Sometimes I don't tell you enough how much you sacrificed when I got to depressed to be able to do the things that were the memories that your childhood was made up of.  So today is the day that I get to say it out loud.   Sometimes tragedies change our directions, and sometimes sadness changes our pace but never do they take away the bond and love between a mother and her child.

Love you sweetheart.   Just wanted you to know how proud I am of you.

Friday, November 9, 2012

My Big Fat Why for Isagenix-In Memory of My Husband

Life is a mysterious journey.   Different for everyone, but in some ways the same. We are all thrown curve balls and it is what we do with those balls that defines us.  I chose to fall apart, scream and shout, go insane, lose my mind, dive off of the highest diving board when my husband died.   No one could help me.  I didn't want to be helped.   I wanted to wallow in that pain.  I started the slow long journey of self destruction that not everyone does - but it was a choice that I made for not being able to save him.  His death became my fault - I couldn't fix it.  And that is what I do for a living I fix things.   You can tell me anything and I always know that I can fix it.   But how can you fix death.   I was in the wrong spot at the wrong time when the accident happened.  If I was in the right spot he would still be here - or  that is what I perceived.  In reality after reading his medical files I found out that there were other issues but that took me two and a half years to understand.

I became a prisoner of my couch.   It gave me comfort.  I let my hair turn grey and I let my body grow.  140 lbs later and through the divine intervention of the Dali Lama coming to Woodstock, NY - Isagenix found me.  I thought that if I could visit with the Dali Lama that I could be fixed.  As it turned out, my friend, who did have a visit with him,  had a beautiful incredible halo around his head, which I desperately wanted and wanted to snatch away from him - wound up telling me that the glow was from a system that he was doing called Isagenix.   He gave me a 30 day for free but I never touched it.   Left in the closet. 

 Through a series of events I found Isagenix on my own and went and looked at that box that I had and decided to give it a try.   And then God brought me an angel named Elisabeth Andersen and with her came her wonderful husband Darian and "my hero" Jim Rhoades. Elisabeth, Darian and Jim came to visit me and literally plucked me off my butt and made me their cause.  Jim blessed my home when he knew that there was no longer energy in it and I no longer had any room for God.   Elisabeth, Darian and Jim carried me on their backs.  After speaking at Top Achievers (thank you Travis Garza for stepping into my life), Jim and Kathy had a meeting in their room.  Everyone was given a few moments to speak and I asked Jim if I could be last.  It was there, in that room, with mostly strangers but with the comfort of Kathy and Jim, Elisabeth and Darian that I found myself again.
So my big fat why for Isagenix is huge.  Yes I wanted to lose the weight, yes I wanted to be healthy again.  But the real reason is that I wanted to give to others what had been given to me.  The gift of Life.

The Beauty of Isagenix

After a very hectic week with the East Coast being so impacted by the storm called Sandy - adjusting to normal has been quite difficult.  But adjust we must as that is what we do - we have a new normal.  But what stays consistent in my daily life is my commitment to Isagenix.   Isagenix is a constant that I can count on.  I know that if I remain a product of the product and I share from my heart and my personal experience that I consistently and continuously make a difference in the lives of those  around me.

So you can imagine my surprise when the following showed up at my house today.  Answering the doorbell and finding this bouquet of flowers being delivered to me made my face light up like a Christmas tree.  The sender wishes to remain anonymous so a I will respect that wish but I needed to share the beauty with all those in my life.   To all those that I coach, I want to tell you that you have all impacted my life in ways that you will never know.  The fact that I make a difference in your lives humbles me.  I am so grateful that Isagenix gave me this vehicle to be involved with so many people that I otherwise would have never gotten to know. 

Why Mentoring Is IMPORTANT

Hi Everyone...Andrea Hameed knows everything about Isagenix...she teaches me everything, and is the greatest Isagenix coach a person could ask for.  I am the blogging guru, and know pretty much everything there is too know about blogging.

1.  Really proud of Andrea's efforts and enthusiasm for blogging.
2.  I need to work more with her more, provide more mentoring as I woke up this morning to find she has written not one but two beautiful blog articles that I had not seen...why you ask...she found some kind of a magical way to turn her two articles into two new blogs.

So, I am reposting them in her real blog for her.  Hope you all will go revisit them and toss her a like so that she has all those wonderful things to cheer her on in her stats area.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Day the Electric Came Back

Life for all of us on the East Coast has been a little hectic as the storm named Sandy ripped through our communities.  No matter how we have coped with our personal experiences, tragedies and losses I know that we all will stand back up, brush ourselves off and move forward in our lives.  I know that I  pull into myself as tight as possible to try to fight the depression that I am so used to dealing with.   So I find myself distraught instead with nowhere to go with it.

Stuck in the house with power lines down on both sides of my driveway gave me a lot of time to reflect on my purpose.  In my life I have let a lot of people down by my decisions to become reclusive when I can't deal with life.   So when Isagenix came along I realized that there was a support system there that I never knew existed in life.  I could say anything I felt and noone took it personally.   I could cry every November mourning the loss of my husband.   I could share that my daughter made the Dean's list and everyone rooted her on.    She could post in Masterminds and ask everyone to vote for her to win a contest at her school.   I could cry my eyes out and scream and shout that Star (my miracle dog) was run over in a hit and run and was going to die.  I found myself and with that I found all of you.   All of you wonderful people who are walking through life with me as I am walking through life with you.

The electric company opened the left exit out of my home on Halloween evening and I was able to get out to take this photograph for my daughter.  This is a local farm stand where she and I always go to celebrate Halloween.    And it was still standing.  The day before a tree came down on the road opposite it - into their driveway - and it was still standing.   This photograph means more to me than anything else because I was able to still give her the joy while she was stuck in Long Island dealing with the hurricane there.

 So then we come to yesterday.   My local electric company had not responded to the many requests to get us up and running.  We were 18 houses out on a small road.   And then I could hear the ringing noise that comes when big trucks back up and knew that something was going on outside on the road.   I walked out to see what it was but discovered when I tried to talk to the first lineman that noone spoke English.   On my second trip out  I had grabbed my camera to take photos of what was going on and I was introduced to Patrick Katulka, Vice President of Operations for AMPCO Electric out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida.  He told me not to worry, that he was not leaving until the power was on.  And I believed him.  I could see the commitment and the dedication in his eyes.   I knew he was a man used to dealing with danger.  Did not realize until I started to crop the photos and could zoom into all the electrical joints how really really reallty hard a job these people had.  It was when that reality hit, that I realized that my reality of not putting my butt on the line was a lot of what led me to becoming depressed and distraught.  When I do put my butt on the line I am committed and dedicated.   Caring what people think about me has kept me a prisoner.   So I am ready to let that go and just be.

This is dedicated to everyone in my life - those who are pissed at me for dropping out - those who love me just the way I am.  Those who want me to be different and those who want me to be the same.  I love you no matter what.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Incredible Women of the 100 lb. Club

I met Linda Williams on the telephone - she living in Utah - and myself living in New York.  I had started my first facebook group and she was one of the first people that joined.

We had basic similarities - we were both widows and both on our journey with Isagenix to the 100 lb club.   That one conversation changed both our lives.  Our shared passion, our shared pains, our shared love of our children established a fast friendship for both of us.  We did what we tend to always do in Isagenix - we fall madly in love with the other person - their soul, their intellect, their emotions, their being and in Linda's case her laugh.  And the feeling grew while our bodies shed lbs. 

We met in August 2011 at Celebration.   Linda had just lost 100 lbs.  In that last month before Celebration she became a super woman to me.  Her race to stage became all our race.   We cheered her through our facebook group.  Everyone fell in love with Linda.   But no one could have been more proud of her than me.  She was my hero.  We laughed and cried so much and then we were on stage together.   I felt like the mother who watched her child grab the ring.   I was so excited for her that I forgot that I was there for the same reason - I had broken through and had hit 122 lb. loss.

And next to her in the first photo is the wonderful Laurie Kelley, who through a face book page post last month told me that I was her inspiration.  Even though I have not spoken to her on the telephone I feel the same connection that I feel with Linda.  Isagenix brought us all together.   Isagenix changed our lives.  Three everyday women who get up and go to work.  Three women who raised a family, and cared about everyone around us with passion.  We are the power of Isagenix.

These wonderful women of Isagenix have changed my life.   It is their posts that have steered my journey.  So I dedicate this to both of you.  Crazy about you ladies.

Monday, October 1, 2012


I don't adjust to change well so imagine my surprise waking up,  turning on the computer and finding out my whole life had changed on one raining icy day and  that I had really become a blogger.

That's how it has been for me on my Isagenix journey, how I perceive it is for many of us with all the new and changing products.  I have chosen to embrace the new improved products and continue on with my daily success.  Isagenix for me is the vehicle and it is how I choose to drive the vehicle which will either make me stay in my old way of life or have me going 65 miles an hour cruising down the thruway of life.   As a new friend would say, " the door to possibilities."

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The 30 Day Program Explained By Kjersti Cote-The Brilliant Mineral Man's Daughter

There is no one like Kjersti Cote to explain the use and value of the 30 day program to us.  Using this program the way it was designed by John Anderson is the fastest way to get to the goal that we set for ourselves. 

Hail storm in Woodstock

I posted this on Facebook
You never know what leads you to the next step until you have a hail storm in Woodstock on September 30th.   So this blog is the by-product of a beautiful icy day in the life of Andrea Hameed.

A friend of mine who does social media optimization (SMO) decided to give me this beautiful gift.

My passion is coaching people to the 100 lbs club.  I am looking forward to using this new tool, as well as a new twitter account to see my coaching efforts reach a whole new audience of beautiful people here in America and around the world.

I am still on my own journey and love that this blog and its comment section will allow all of us to carry on a multi-faceted conversation as we strive to reach our goals.  Coming up to the sixth year anniversary of my husband dying and decided that throwing myself into the support system that comes along with coaching people to their goals is the vehicle to push me through it. 

I hope all of you will bookmark this page and come back often.  By the way I am looking for guest authors who would like to regularly contribute.   If you are interested please e-mail me at my new address: