Sunday, November 25, 2012

My 3rd Big Fat Why for Isagenix - raising healthy children and stop worrying what you did wrong

We are born, we grow up, we become the people that we are destined to be and then some of us choose marriage.  That was a choice I made.  I chose to marry the man of my dreams and with that choice was the desire to have a house full of children.  That didn't happen to me but I certainly lucked out with the one that's in the belly in this photo.  My incredible daughter Aysha.

I've often thought that when I miscarried and then was never able to get pregnant again "what did I do wrong."  Always blamed myself.  Carried around that huge burden.  My husband was happy with what he got but my father-in-law wanted to watch all his yougins running around the lawn and I always felt like I had disappointed him - even though in reality I always knew he was also happy with what he got.

When I went to the first IsagniexSuper Saturday with Jim Rhoades and Elisabeth and Darian Andersen there was a man who got up to speak and it was through him that I truly got to understand the power of the Super Food Isagenix.   His story was different than mine - his son was born with a genetic birth diffect - but he kept on saying over and over again "what did I do wrong."  After talking with him, he had me watch a video called Ten Americans.  It's a three part you tube series but you only really have to watch the first part which is about 8 minutes long.  If you have never seen it, it is a must.  While watching that you tube video I knew what I had done wrong - I had conceived while my body was in a toxic environment.  Didn't have proper nutrition to sustain another life.  Didn't know then anything about toxicity but certainly do now.

What we did wrong was that we were never educated in "nutrition".   No matter how many times my mother took me to the doctor and no matter how many times I took my daughter to the doctor - never once was that a word I heard mentioned.   I heard a lot about prescription drugs, a lot about vaccinations but never a word about nutrition.   It was after I heard Dave speak that I knew what I could have done wrong and that was I did not know how to feed  my body the healthiest food on the planet while I was preparing to get pregnant, while I was pregnant.   And therefore I also got what I got.

A lot of times I read posts - will Isagenix cure this, will Isagenix cure that and it is when I hear these questions that I totally get that by feeding oneself or our children the healthiest food on the planet,
and keeping the body in an alkaline state that there would be not be as many - "what did I do wrongs. " It is my belief system that we give ourselves, our families, our children a running jump start with Isagenix.  

A lot of times though I hear people say "wow" that is certainly an expensive super food and I think while they are texting on their $500 cell phones, or using their $800 i pads or dressed with their $200 Uggs on their feet or talking about their $300 purse - "what planet do these people live on?"  

What are our priorities in life?   Do we want to be as healthy as we can possibly be or do we want to have perfect nails and pedicures, perfect clothes and constantly update new tech toys.  Suprisingly most people chose the latter.  So this is dedicated to all those people like me who spent half a life wondering WHAT I DID WRONG. 


  1. This blog gave me shivers Andrea... thanks for posting it!

    BTW talking about "pricey" - I spoke with a lady in California the other day - mentioned to her that our Family Pak has 80 complete meal replacements with all the optimum nutrition she needs for health and fatburning - delicious and filling. When I asked her what she generally spends on her meals, she told me she was a big eater - spends probably $20 twice a day on meals. We figured it out - that's $1,600 she is CURRENTLY spending on 80 meals!

    With her 80 Isagenix Meals running her less than $3.00/meal - she'll SAVE some $1000+ per month and in addition be getting HEALTHY SNACKS for FREE! Bars, cookies, energy drinks, chocolates (delectable! and curb cravings...) so she doesn't sabotage her results with junk-food snacks - along with a full complement of all her gender specific vitamins with youthful aging supplements, to boot. What a bargain!!

  2. I guess I'm in the minority, being the one who has spent more money on organic, healthy food for the last 25 yrs. However, yesterday just this question came up about another aspect of our kids.
    The biggest gift you can give yourself & your child is the gift of health first, and when they're grown then it's up to them- but at least you gave them a winning start.

    Great article Andrea- one that I'm sure many think about but never voice. Thanks for giving it a voice!!

    1. Thank you Jo. I finally understand that unless we give all these emotions a voice that we never get to get healthy. Giving our children health first is the free real gift of life. Love you honey. Andrea

  3. Wow, what a great blog. I totally agree with your statement: A lot of times though I hear people say "wow" that is certainly an expensive super food and I think while they are texting on their $500 cell phones, or using their $800 i pads or dressed with their $200 Uggs on their feet or talking about their $300 purse - "what planet do these people live on?" I think that all the time when I try to talk to people about Isagenix and they tell me it's "expensive." If you break it down, it's really not expensive at all.

    I ran across your post because I've been reading about whether or not you can prevent miscarriage. A lot of doctors say that the causes are unknown and there's nothing you can really do to prevent it, but I wonder if me being on Isagenix will make a difference. My husband and I haven't been trying but there's a chance I could be pregnant, so I've been obsessing about keeping my body in good shape, just in case. It's good to hear your story. It gives me reassurance that if this pregnancy takes I should be okay... hopefully. :) Thanks for sharing!

    1. Selwa - so happy to see your comment. I think that being on Isagenix is the best thing you can do for your body pregnant or not. I know if I knew about Isagenix early in the game I think my life would have turned out differently. So excited for you if you are pregnant. Let me know if you are. A pleasure to meet you. Andrea
