Saturday, November 24, 2012

My Second Big Fat Why for Isagenix - dedicated to my husband Shahid - may he rest in peace

When I was a little girl, growing up in Brooklyn, New York - there were no computers, no internet, no cell phones - there was just the kids that you played with on the street after you came home from school and you had your after school snack.  What we did is we roller skated, we rode our bikes but the big thing in my neighborhood was punch ball and handball.   Being the competitive type that I am I had to master those two male oriented games.  I had to become the best of everyone in the neighborhood.   That needing to be the best, was the beginning of establishing the skill set for myself on learning how to become "the fixer."  Once I mastered and became the best - better than anyone else at it - I then had to teach everyone else how to do it as well.  That became what I did the best.  I became the person that always was there willing to help the next person become the best at what I knew they already were good at.   That skill set was what brought me skating through life into a very successful career.

When I met my husband I knew I had met my match.  We had two different sets of skills.  He was the risk taker and I was the practical one.  They blended well.  We worked well together.  And I knew he was the right man for me - because when I was a little girl growing up I always asked my mother when will I know I met the right man to marry and she would say "there is a little boy growing up on the other side of the world waiting for you" and he was definitely from the other side of the world.  In that first meeting, he told me, 20 minutes into the conversation, that he was going to marry me.  And I knew that was the truth.  I knew that he was the one.

So it brings me up to today.  He is no longer with me.  I had to take the two different set of skills that we had combined together into a relationship and become both of those people in one.  Thankfully I have an exquisite child who has walked every foot of the path of life with me.  Thankfully I have wonderful friends who are here to pick me up when I fall down. 

What I am most thankful for though is IsagenixIsagenix gives me and everyone around me the ability to use the skill set that I found and developed at such a young age.  Isagenix lets me offer everyone around me the opportunity to experience better health, greater wealth, empowers us as a community.  The community is spectacular.  We all bring our own learned skill sets with us into a community of loving, caring, wonderful people who all have the same desire - to impact everyone around them in their lives.  Isagenix is my skill set.  Isagenix is the fixer.

So it is why I always speak about Isagenix with such passion, such enthusiasm.  It is why I become a pain in the butt to those around me that I care about so much.  It is why it is my Big Fat Why.

So I am asking all of those around me who I care so deeply about - to join me in this life journey.

I want you all to know how fortunate I feel every day of the week when I get on facebook and read all of your wonderful comments about your lives, my life, Isagenix, our children.  We as a community are a SKILL SET on our own.   I am blessed.

So my dear Shahid - rest in peace - you left me in good hands.  I found a community that won't ever let me down.  You would be proud of the woman I have become.


  1. what a beautiful piece Andrea, you are quite 'skilled' in storytelling now as well. I am very sure that he is so proud of you & who/what you have surrounded yourself with.
    Peace and Blessings my friend.

    1. Thank you so much Jo-Ann. Your words mean more to me than I can express. Love you so much my friend. Andrea

  2. Thanks for this insightful heartfelt piece. Skating involves bumps and skinned knees along the way -but you always get up and skate again. And you are skating through life again -- magnificently.

    You could not have described yourself better, Andrea: "I became the person that always was there willing to help the next person become the best at what I knew they already were good at" - It is what you are still doing - still offering to be that support person while other people "fix themselves" - the coach to get people up and skating again. And you are so right - this is so rewarding - and so much FUN!

    1. Thank you so much Elisabeth. You understand me so well. Just want you to know that you gave me the brand new pair of skates that I am using now. And what a wonderful pair of skates they are.
