Saturday, November 17, 2012

Dedicated to my wonderful daughter Aysha - could never have done Isagenix without you baby.

Every once in a while I have an a-ha moment and today realized that without the kiddo I never could have been successful with the Isagenix program.   She rooted me on from the sidelines, cheered with each lb. that was shed, watched me go from a couch potato to a living participating human being and most of all she opened all my Isagenix boxes and lovingly put the products on the shelves for me.  She became my reason for wanting to make the change in my life that finally got me back or as close back to the space I was in before our major loss.

So my darling sweet Aysha, just wanted to acknowledge that you are the reason for all the wonderful changes that have happened to me in the last three years.  Sometimes I don't tell you enough how much you sacrificed when I got to depressed to be able to do the things that were the memories that your childhood was made up of.  So today is the day that I get to say it out loud.   Sometimes tragedies change our directions, and sometimes sadness changes our pace but never do they take away the bond and love between a mother and her child.

Love you sweetheart.   Just wanted you to know how proud I am of you.