Sunday, January 13, 2013

Why Women Make the Best Network Marketers

About 80% of network marketers are women.  Having more control of time and flexibility in our schedules is what is key to us.  A lot of our drive and goal comes from wanting to be financially independent while we raise a family. We are able to create a sisterhood of like minded women who have the same goals, the same drive, the same spirit.  We become part of women's group on social media sites and we share our hobby's, our recipes, our joy and our sorrow while we join together in building a business.

We are so familiar with home parties, having grown up in the Tupperware, Avon and Pampered Chef party generation that we know how to go out and support other women who are looking to grow a business to help keep us financially free.   We as women do what we are best at - we know how to have a party and we know how to socialize.  We are motivated by the word "discount", "sale", "wholesale" and this is one of the key foundations to the MLM advantage.   Women love to buy - plain and simple.  Getting it cheaper is a great plus.

We have to work the business to be successful, as in all other businesses but, we go about it differently than men.  We don't think about this business as a sales business but instead use terms like getting referrals versus getting leads.  Sharing the product versus selling a product.  If you have a spouse that is supportive of you in your endeavor you are even more fortunate as you have time to go to more seminars, go to trainings and network yourself all over.  If you are in it solo you build the sisterhood to support you to build.

 Besides the wonderful products of Isagenix and for me it was either chocolate or vanilla, Isagenix gave me a vehicle that I could steer while I did my other jobs.   For me it is freedom to be who I am and not compromise any other part of my life.   I have not only built a business, I have built a network of friends and acquaintances from all over the world.   People that I probably would never have met.

I love what I do and would love other women to become part of my team.

Please try this free shake sample and let me know what you think.  I would like to have you join me in this venture.

In deep gratitude.  Andrea

If you have a moment - can you g+1 me.  Fifth button from the left


  1. Women have been my best gift in the world. I grew up with 3 sisters and an amazing mom. From them, I learned to be supportive, nurturing, and always walk with a sense of sisterhood whenever I am around women. I love men, but women have a special something to offer that goes above and beyond. Thank you for this most to remind me of all the wonderful women in my life

    1. Suzanne - thank you so much for your incredible share. You are so right when you say that women have a special something. I woke up and realized when I saw that little special saying that there are also so many wonderful women in my life and wanted to share.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Angelina. Greatly appreciate your commenting. Andrea

  3. I think you've described women Network Marketers very well Andrea - I see my business as a way of helping others to make money, which is again another quality of women - nurturing.
    And I quite agree, building a network of friends is very supportive :)

    1. Jacs - thank you so much. Through Network Marketing I have really come into my own as a woman. By helping other women to make money I have built up such a support system that impacts all parts of my life. It has made me more grateful than I was before. Andrea

  4. Please try this free shake sample and let me know what you think. I would like to have you join me in this venture. global sourcing in the textile and apparel industry , home textiles sourcing expo ,
